
About Us
Weave, knot, assemble. .. ..
The world of Craft band is endless
ULANA means to weave
Originated in Japan, Craft band (also called paper band) is a special strip of paper strings glued together into a flat and thin band. It is made of post-consumer, recycled paper such as rice bags and milk cartons. Although it is made out of paper, craft band is very strong and durable, such that baskets made out of this material can hold a few kilograms of weight.
Craft bands are very strong and flexible and therefore easy to handle. Not only can it be used to weave baskets in a similar technique used with wicker and bamboo, it can also be tied into tight knots. The result is a very unique "weave," which look is popular because of its simple yet beautiful pattern. Craft bands also come in a wide variety of colors and patterns, incomparable to the conventional weaving material. It allows for creating one of a kind baskets, wreaths, and handbags that can match your own unique interior decorating and fashion style. This craft has been popular in Japan for more than 10 years because of its simplicity that allows for almost anyone to enjoy. Since it does not require any complicated tools, anyone from a child to an elderly can learn to cut, weave, and glue to completing a special, one-of-a-kind project in a relatively short period of time.
With Craft band, you don't need any specialized tools to begin crafting. The basic tools used are just scissors and wood glue! (A ruler, clothes pins and a water spray bottle help, too!). So jump in and give it a try!
ULANA has opened its door to students in the South Bay area of Los Angeles to teach the joy of crafting with craft band. We have basic, hands-on class for beginners that is fun and satisfying! We make sure that you learn the basics of basket weaving and complete a project in a two-hour class! Your friends and family will be surprised to see the finished product and to learn that it is made out of recycled paper! Experienced students are also welcome. We are here to assist you finding a new project or to help you finish a project that you have not been able to complete on your own. You can bring in what you want to make or consult with us in finding your next project. We appreciate you contacting us ahead of time so that we can prepare for your lesson so that you may start your crafting right away.
ULANA means weaving and tying. ”ULANA Craft Band Class" aims to be a place where people in the South Bay can come together and become connected through the craft of weaving. Come join our classroom where those of us share the love and joy for creating unique baskets and handbags! We hope weaving would add something special to your life as it did to ours.
Please join us by booking your first lesson!
We are looking forward to seeing you soon.
ULANA Craft Band Class